Past Events
23 March 2021
PCS in Action: from Development to Implementation

NOTE: THE TIMES FOR THIS WEBINAR ARE: 12:00 PM EDT, Washington D.C. (10:00 AM CDMX, 16:00 HRS UK, 17:00 HRS CET) This Webinar, organized by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA) will examine the necessary elements […]
17 March 2021
EUSAIR Platfrom Webinar

FROM NODES TO SMART NETWORKS Connecting transport infrastructures and services in the Adriatic Ionian Region. EUSAIR: Challenges, Strategies and Solutions REGISTER HERE
15 March 2021
2021 Port of the Future Virtual Conference

The 2021 Port of the Future Virtual Conference will address the urgent and immediate issues facing ports of entry, regulators and associated industries, including (but not limited to) Decarbonization, sustainability and alternative fuels Port resiliency and security challenges and solutions (physical and cyber) Digitalization and data sharing Automation opportunities Advances in Biometrics ABOUT THE VIRTUAL […]
03 March 2021
Transport Week Webinar

Transport Week Webinar Series The Transport Week Webinar Series brings the well-known conference experience into the digital realm. Covering the most important issues relevant to the transport sector in Europe and beyond, it is the best way to gain valuable insight without leaving the comfort of your office. Participants are presented with options to engage […]
31 December 2020
IPCSA Events 2021

IPCSA Events 2021 In light of the COV-19 Crisis affecting a majority of countries, all IPCSA events and meetings have be postponed until further notice. IPCSA is continuing its work with members and have regular “Community Coffees” in order to ensure we maintain contact. IPCSA is also participating in multiple webinars on Smart Ports, PCS, […]
19 February 2020
“The Future of Cross Border Digital Trade” CEO / CIO Meeting
19th and 20th February 2020 The purpose of the IPCSA Members CEO/CIO meeting is to share and exchange knowledge and experience to identify key challenges and opportunities for Port Community System Operators, Airport Community Systems, Cargo Community System Operators, Sea and Air Port Authorities and Single Window Operators. It will provide viewpoints on global trade facilitation the role […]
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