Regional Representatives (IPCSA Advisory Board) update

RegionsWe are delighted to introduce you to Regional representatives (IPCSA ExCo Advisory Board) as announced in our Members meeting in Tanger Med.

The role of the regional representatives is to:

    • advocate and promote benefits of IPCSA-membership in the countries within the region
    • represent IPCSA in regional or local conferences, seminars/webinars, workshops, etc. upon request or in coordination with the Secretary-General and/or Chairman (acting as ‘regional representative for IPCSA [region])
    • detect, through active prospection, possible leads for IPCSA-memberships in the region, address them if the opportunity arises, and (pro)actively report them to the Secretary-General
    • to provide insight and present the regional perspective at ExCo meetings
    • to coordinate opinion/support of the members of their region
    • to help and assist within organisation of IPCSA regional events in their region

The profiles of regional representatives can be found here:  Regional representatives profiles

Please do not hesitate to ask questions and contact your regional representative. Their contact details are available on IPCSA Community at: IPCSA Community